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Ephraim Arriesgado

1 Posts

Ephraim is a registered nurse who devotes most of his time in mission work -- empowering the youth and impacting communities. With the whole Central Philippines as part of his mission territory, he travels from island to island with a purpose always in mind. Follow his adventures at <a href="http://www.selflesstravels.com/">Selfless Travels</a> and <a href="https://www.instagram.com/selfless_eph/">@selfless_eph</a>.

image for article An Adventurer’s Guide to Ormoc City
PhilippinesAn Adventurer’s Guide to Ormoc City
Ephraim Arriesgado -

Ormoc City is not called “Beauty by the Bay” for nothing. Here’s a simple travel guide for all you adventurers.

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