DFA Warns Filipinos Travelling to Paris: Be Wary of Robberies, Break-ins

The Philippine Embassy in France has issued an advisory for Filipinos travelling to Paris to be cautious due to an increase in incidents of break-ins, robberies, and pickpocketing in the city.

In the past three years, there has been a string of terror incidents in Paris, the latest being on 12 May 2018.

Filipinos are requested to follow the list of safety guidelines when travelling to France:

  • Always secure your personal belongings when visiting tourist spots and taking public transportation
  • Be wary of pickpockets
  • Keep your passport and other important documents in separate areas.
  • Be wary of scam artists who pretend to be hotel guests
  • Do not carry many cash
  • Keep your bags out of sight when inside the vehicles
  • Be alert and vigilant
  • Refrain from going to areas that are declared unsafe

If urgent assistance is needed, Filipinos in Paris may call the Philippine Embassy’s 24/7 emergency hotline at +33 6 20 59 25 15.

Filipinos in need of assistance may also visit, call or send a message to the Philippine Embassy through the following details:

Embassy of the Philippines in Paris

45 rue de Ranelagh

4 Hameau de Boulainvilliers

75016 Paris, France

Tel. No.:+33 1 44 14 57 00

Email: paris.pe@dfa.gov.ph

Also read: My Fun Parisian Day Tour With A France-based Filipino Tour Guide

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