Japan Home Centre to Accept Onions as Payment

With their soaring prices, onions are now being recognised as luxury cooking ingredients in the Philippines. This is why, for one weekend, the Japanese discount store Japan Home Centre will accept onions as legal tenders in exchange for their goods. Here’s what to know before bringing these bulbous vegetables to their counters!

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How to buy products from Japan Home Centre with onions

Image credit: WebTechExperts via Canva Pro

The past few months for restaurants and home cooks alike have not been kind when it comes to acquiring onions. In some areas of Metro Manila, a kilo of the typical red onions reached almost ₱800! Naturally, the ridiculous prices of what is essentially a household staple became the subject of ire and ridicule on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok.

For this reason, the Japanese discount store Japan Home Centre will be accepting onions as payments from customers of their Panay Avenue branch near Victoria Towers. Customers can exchange a head of onion for one item inside the store. Up to three onions can be exchanged. The event will only run on 4 Feb 2023. So, choose carefully when shopping!

Image credit: Japan Home Centre Official Facebook Page

While the program might come off as a joke, the absurd exchange will lead to a good cause. The onions collected from the event will eventually go to the branch’s local community pantry.

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This kind of optimism is nothing new for Pinoy netizens, but it doesn’t fail to draw out a chuckle or two. Now with Japan Home Centre jumping on the trend, maybe these onions won’t be as eye-watering as their prices look. Especially if it means purchasing the store’s high-quality items!

Featured image credit: Japan Home Centre | Official Facebook Page

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