The promise of new flavours beckons from Banawe.
Too many Filipino employees think that vacation leaves must be reserved for travels. But technically, a vacation leave is eligible even if you just need a break from work — and most travellers forget this. While taking vacation leaves to travel is not bad at all, you should constantly remember that you can take breaks even if you aren’t booking any flights. Why?
Disclaimer: We totally support taking a break from work to travel. In fact, we’ve read scientific articles that prove that travel prevents workplace burnout! But if you aren’t ready to travel just yet, take this article as a friendly reminder that you deserve to take a break from work, still.
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Sometimes, you just need to take a break from work. If you’re too fixated on the idea that vacation leaves are just for travels, then you might end up forcing yourself to book a flight — even if you don’t want to. And what happens if you force yourself to travel just for the sake of using your vacation leave? No one benefits from that.
If you’re going to travel for pleasure, do so wholeheartedly! You don’t want to end up dreading your next trip. Respect yourself enough to acknowledge your bodily needs. Avoid disregarding your schedule, budget, or health.
Also read: Forcing Your Travels — 7 Signs That Show You’re Guilty Of This!
Perhaps you’ve been spending too many nights at the office, and your family is missing you. Maybe you’ve been missing too many nights out with your barkada because you’re always working overtime.
If you have to take a vacation leave to improve your relationships, then do so! Expressing care for your loved ones is always worth it, even if you’d have to “sacrifice” a day of vacation leave to spend time with them.
Walk the dogs. Take a quick jog. Visit your neighbours. Drop by the next-door café. Slow down and turn your house into a home again. Maybe you need to do your laundry or clear your closet; maybe you have to redecorate your room. Perhaps you have to fall in love with the neighbourhood again.
With long work hours and heavy traffic, it’s easy to treat your office as your home. But, rarely do job descriptions require employees to forget about life outside work. As John Wooden once said: Don’t let making a living prevent you from making a life.
When you’re overwhelmed with work, you won’t be as productive as you can be. Sometimes, you have to step back to refocus. Familiarity is unconducive to creativity, so drag yourself away from the office and go somewhere else that doesn’t necessarily have to be a plane ride away. More often than not, a weekend trip will be enough to clear your mind.
Let yourself spend time with your hobbies. Immerse yourself in nature. Visit a museum. Take a long, rejuvenating shower. You’ll be surprised how easy ideas flow from a refreshed mind.
When you’re physically and emotionally drained, just spend the day off. And if trip preparations are too taxing for you, you definitely don’t need to travel. Instead, why don’t you treat yourself to a staycation? There’s nothing wrong with staying in bed once in a while. Listen to your body and treat it right!
Also read: Travel FOMO Is Real — Here’s How You Can Beat It!
You’re probably craving for travel like the rest of us, but travelling isn’t always the most convenient option. But even if you aren’t flying out, consider filing for a vacation leave if you are feeling tired and weary. Your future self will thank you for it!
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