2019 Travel Goals: 19 New Experiences Every Filipino Should Try

Twenty-eighteen is coming to an end. Most of us love using this season as a period to look back on our choices and reassess our lives. We’ve learned and we’ve grown, and as the new year comes, we’re all hinging on a bright sense of hope. Next year, we’ll be better and wiser, we say to ourselves. There’s just so much space for self-improvement and dreams as we view 2019 from here.

Travellers are no different than the normal person. We also want to achieve more things in the coming months, and we also desire to gain more experiences and lessons. Instead of writing down vague travel goals for the next year, why don’t we seek tangible adventures instead? Here are 19 travel goals you can achieve in 2019.

1. Take a volunteer vacation

Get love, give love — this is what voluntourism, a portmanteau word made up from “volunteer” and “tourism,” is all about. There are countless ways you can volunteer while travelling. Don’t know where to start? Check out some of our local travel organisations that are dedicated to making trips more meaningful.

2. Learn something new from somewhere new

Travel to the birthplace of Philippine surfing and learn how to surf. Hike up some of our majestic mountain peaks. Visit the places of origin of martial arts and learn self-defense. The opportunity to learn is endless in a life well-travelled.

3. Sunbathe in an uncrowded beach

Most of the Filipino community are beach bums, which is why it isn’t surprising how easy our coastal towns get crowded. It’s gotten pretty hard to find a tranquil seaside, but it’s definitely worth trying.

4. Take a history trip

When it comes to heritage, the Philippines has no shortage of places. Take your history lessons up a notch and actually learn from history tours.

5. Tick a “challenging” country off your bucket list

You probably have an ultimate travel bucket list lying somewhere around your desk. You also probably have written a few hard-to-reach countries in it (Angola, anyone?!) Face the year bravely and actually take steps to travel to at least one of those countries.

6. Travel solo

While more and more wanderers have already chosen the route of strong independent traveller, a lot of us are still hesitant to travel solo. It’s not surprising why! There are many risks to solo travelling, and sometimes it’s just not for everyone. But if you haven’t tried it out yet, why don’t you do it at least once next year?

7. Support ecotourism

Here’s some good news for nature lovers (and just all of humanity in general): the Department of Tourism (DOT) has reportedly been pushing for sustainable tourism. While we admittedly still have a long way to go, numerous ecotourism parks and farms have already been built across our country.

8. Transport differently

You’d be surprised how your chosen mode of transportation can change your trip altogether. Go on a cruise, ride a bullet train, or rent a tuk-tuk. Any new experience can feel extremely liberating.

9. Go on weekend warrior mode

Forget your worries once in a while and travel somewhere quick for a weekend. With all the beautiful wonders in the Philippines, going on weekend warrior mode is far from impossible.

10. Take a digital detox

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the perks of smartphones and social media, but it’s so easy for the digital world to take over our lives. If you’re observing that you’ve grown dependent on your phone, take some time off and disconnect while travelling.

11. Try out an unusual experience

Experience something new and strange — maybe even scary! And I don’t just mean haunted mansions. Conquer your fear of the great waters.

12. Explore your homeland

Travel the Philippines more next year! With its charm, diversity, and affordability, exploring the country isn’t so hard to do. Better yet, get to know your province more. Surely, it has a fascinating story to tell. Visit your local parks and attractions, interact with your neighbours, learn about your history.

13. Catch the sunrise

Mornings aren’t for everyone, I get it. But why don’t you try to drag yourself out of bed just to witness the beauty of having another day ahead? Travel to a stunning beach, and watch the sun rise. Climb up a challenging mountain, and stand in awe of the sky changing colours.

14. Sign up for a running tour

Running tours aren’t exclusive for seasoned runners. As long as you’re up for a little bit of a workout, you can sign up for a running tour. Enjoy the sights, learn from a local runner, and get fit while you’re at it.

15. Go for the off-the-beaten track

Travel to underrated destinations, and marvel at the wonders of solitude and solemnity. The world is huge, and you can’t run out of roads less travelled.

16. Travel with your family

If you have the means to, make it a goal to treat your family to a trip this year. There are a lot of great hotel or tour deals for families. Besides, they deserve to be blessed by travels too!

17. Explore the safari

Over the years of animal maltreatment and neglect, several zoos have earned a bad reputation among animal lovers. As an alternative for those who still want to learn more about the animal kingdom, there are still reputable safaris that stand to conserve animals. These safaris excellently replicate the habitats of animals. At the same time, they give animals the freedom to behave naturally.

18. Taste a weird cuisine

Worms and mice may not be your cup of tea, but in some part of the world, these are considered as delicacies. Put on your bravest heart and try out some freaky dish when you travel. That is, as long as your stomach can taste it.

19. Befriend a stranger

While we should definitely watch out for stranger danger, we shouldn’t allow our fear of other people hinder us from truly experiencing the world. Travel enough, and you’ll understand that the world is actually kinder than what most of us expect. People are inherently good, and some strangers might surprise you. Travel more until your faith in humanity is restored.

Ready for next year? Let’s achieve our 2019 travel goals together!

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About Author

Danielle Uy

Author at TripZilla

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